Image by spudz22 on RAA
Dublin setlist:
Oh My Sweet Carolina
Call Me On Your Way Back Home
Everybody Knows
Damn, Sam (I Love A Woman That Rains)
If I Am A Stranger
New York New York (on piano)
In My Time Of Need
Withering Heights
Mr. Man (the made up love song) v.funny!
Let It Ride
Sylvia Plath
Dirty Rain
16 Days
Chopsticks/Animal Jail (made up chopsticks song)
Bartering Lines
Strawberry Wine
(thanks to ailishmac on RAA and also peterpharm & JohnC) [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
Forum thread on RAA for Dublin Olympia Theatre show
Forum thread on TBY for Dublin Olympia Theatre show
Here’s a Twitter list so you can follow the show live:!/list/ryanadamsfans/tour-20110608-dublin
Tweeters at the show:
@olympiatheatre, @steokavanagh, @supplanterjem, @lucymoylan, @_jamielawson_, @niamhroooney, @Carlo_Magliocco, @karenoneillcw, @DarrenPurcell, anthonymcg, @IamPhoebe, @newladygrey, @AoifeMM, @TheMandyMoore, @theslugger, @mikeyworld, @MiaDaly, @the_culler, @sarah_ttmr, @patracer1, @cahilljpaul, @OwenJennings, @TomWard2009, @al279, @Roisinmull, @BrianHealy86, @markjmorgan, @vertigo_clause, @janjanaroo, @act87, @Darren_Kelly, @MarkAylward1
more live updates from the Dublin show if you scroll down…
Some stage times for tonight’s Ryan Adams show at the Dublin Olympia:
Doors: 7:15pm
Jesse Malin: 8:00pm
Ryan Adams: 9:00pm
@OlympiaTheatre‎ (posted around around 11am)
"Totally sold out, doors open 7.15pm, Jesse Malin on stage 8pm, Ryan Adams on at 9pm… Please note, the bars will be closed during the performance. … !"
@OlympiaTheatre (posted around 12 noon)
"Ooh looky! Some production holds have just been released for Ryan Adams’ sold out show tonight, there’s about 20…"
Just checked on and there are still some (restricted view) tickets mentioned above available for Ryan Adams tonight – I searched for 1 ticket at 18:11pm (UK time) and it offered up Stalls row R for 55.35 Euro (inc b/fee). Good luck!
Update1: Spotted a lovely photo on Twitter taken by @Darren_Kelly meeting Ryan, I presume in Dublin earlier. I’ve Tweeted him to ask if I can upload the photo to the site, but in the meantime I’ll leave it as a link to
edit – Thanks Darren for giving me permission to upload his photo. It was taken earlier today outside the Dublin Olympia:
"@TheRyanAdams looking forward to the gig later dude, thanks for the pic&handshake! Sitting way up back so big shout out!"
Update2: Photo of the stage set-up tonight from @supplanterjem: "Waiting for Ryan Adams."
Another photo from Twitter before Ryan takes to the stage: @_jamielawson_ : "We’re up in the gods, never been higher than the chandelier before!"
Update3: an update on Jesse Malin’s support slot tonight via peterpharm on RAA:
"Jesse Report from row c:
Not sure of the order but I think it was
All the way from Moscow
Lonely at heart
You can make him like you
San francisco
Almost grownAnd plenty of stories. Good fun to get things going. Will leave the dra updates to someone else."
21:23pm: @AoifeMM: "Watching Ryan Adams.. Oh look there’s Mandy Moore drinking Guinness #iloveireland"
21:23pm @TheMandyMoore posted a photo of the stage: : "It’s about that time……"
All over. peterpharm posted a quick report on RAA: "Brilliant show. 16 days was the obvious highlight. Time of need, stranger, bartering lines and the improv stuff also excellent. The dra was in great form.He said he was on the other side of a wave of caffeine from all the barry’s tea! Great great show, but how weak are our Irish bladders that so many people can’t sit still for an hour and a half."
Some good initial reports coming out of Twitter (I’ve retweeted a few), and also check out this Twitter list I created of fans at the show tonight.
Update6: 00:37am @ 9th June
some more reviews appearing on RAA…
whiskeyman posted:
"What a gig!
Apart from some woman shouting ‘I see Monsters’ 3 or four times (in the most droll voice?), the crowd were good and gave Ryan time to do what he does best.
16 Days the massive highlight as already mentioned. I simply couldn’t believe it. A girl to my right just went ‘oh my god!’ as he started it.
Every song, every note, everything…. simply perfect!!
Although we probably could have got another extra song or two if not as much time was spent tuning his guitar… but we wouldn’t have gotten the amazing banter then!
Thanks so much for playing Dublin Ryan!
Hope you all enjoyed it.(and Jesse was fab too!)"
Update7: 01:50am @ 9th June
There’s a bootleg floating around on Twitter from tonight (the piano version of ‘New York New York’). However, having just read yesterday’s official announcement on RAA (see below) about Ryan not allowing taping at these European shows I won’t link to it.
"Dear RAA members,
Over the years we have all come to love and treasure recordings of Ryan’s live shows. RAA was formed with the intent of providing recordings by and for its members. Prior to the current Europe solo tour, Ryan Adams decided to no longer allow taping by the public. It is not clear whether this is a temporary or permanent decision by Ryan. While this of course comes as a disappointment to us all, it is our hope we will still have the opportunity to hear the shows one way or another. In the meantime, we hope members will continue to use RAA to discuss current shows, Ryan’s music and download and listen to past shows. We will provide more information as it becomes available to us. Thanks for your continued support of RAA."
Forum thread on RAA for Dublin Olympia Theatre show
Forum thread on TBY for Dublin Olympia Theatre show page for Dublin concert ( lastfm:event=1879430 )
Songkick page for Dublin concert page for Dublin concert